How Do Ayurvedic Remedies Help To Cure Renal CYST?

Kidneys are essential because they perform numerous functions in our body. They are two fist-sized organs that filter wastes and toxins out of the bloodstream and excrete them through the urine.

Renal cysts are also known as kidney cysts, are fluid-filled sacs that grow inside the kidneys or surface of the kidneys. Although a kidney cyst is generally harmless and non-cancerous, some of them can be associated with kidney diseases. These cysts can cause the kidneys to be enlarged and reduce their functioning capacity which can lead to severe complications.

 If left untreated or not figured in time, renal cysts can lead to kidney failure and hence be fatal. Thankfully, with Ayurvedic treatment and Ayurvedic remedies for renal cyst, we can treat these cysts naturally with insignificant side effects in the body.


What are the types of Renal cysts?

There are two different types of kidney cysts: a simple kidney cyst and polycystic kidney disease (PKD).

Simple kidney cyst: it is a round pouch of smooth, thin-walled tissue that is usually filled with fluid. One or more may form within the kidneys. Simple cysts are the most common type of kidney cyst, and they most often don’t cause harm.

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD): Polycystic kidney disease is different from simple kidney cysts. PKD is a genetic disorder. It runs in families and causes large numbers of cysts to grow in the kidneys. This makes the kidneys get larger and damages their tissue.


What are the complications of renal cysts?

People who have kidney diseases or weaker kidney function are at the risk of having a kidney cyst. Generally, renal cysts don’t cause any problems. However, sometimes they can lead to complications, such as:

  • Infection in the cyst
  • Burst cyst
  • Obstruction in urine output
  • High blood pressure
  • Severe pain at the back or either side of the lower back
  • Impaired kidney function
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Kidney stones
  • Kidney scarring 


What are the causes of renal cysts?

Researchers say that there are no clear and exact causes of kidney cysts. However, they believe that simple kidney cysts aren’t inherited, unlike polycystic kidney disease.

One theory believes that the kidney cyst develops when the kidneys weaken, a surface of a sac-like pouch forms filled with fluids. The pouch then detaches itself and becomes a cyst.

Another theory believes kidney cysts may be caused due to blockages in the tubules, which are related to the collection of urine. It may lead to the development of some simple kidney cysts.


What are the symptoms of renal cysts?

Often, simple kidney cysts do not cause any symptoms but if the cyst grows large or becomes infected, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Fever and chills
  • Pain in the side, back, or between the ribs and pelvis Pain in the upper abdomen
  • Frequent urination more than usual
  • Decreased kidney function
  • High blood pressure
  • Blood in the urine
  • Dark-colored urine


Ayurvedic remedies for Renal cyst

Ayurveda was developed more than 5,000 years ago in India. It is one of the world’s oldest holistic healing systems. The meaning of Ayurveda is the science and knowledge of life where; Ayur means life and Veda means knowledge.

To cure renal cyst, ayurvedic medicines are needed comprising natural and organic herbs which are an integral part of the ayurvedic treatment. There are several potent herbs that help to cure the root cause of the diseases. The herbs are effective in removing the fluid out from the cyst, and stop the further growth of the cysts.

More importantly, ayurvedic treatment can also repair damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function as well. So natural Ayurvedic treatment will be a good choice for renal cysts.

Here are some Ayurvedic remedies for renal cyst which you can partake to naturally cure the disease:

  1. Stick with a low-sodium diet. Kidneys play an enormous role in the removal of excess fluid from the body. When you consume high amounts of sodium your body begins retaining fluid, adding pressure to the kidneys.
  2. Drinking an adequate amount of water is highly recommended to those suffering from renal cyst. Water helps to flush toxins out of the body. You can even consider drinking cranberry juice as it helps with kidney problems and urinary issues. It is best advised to consult a renal dietitian to know the right amount of water to be taken.
  3. A high fiber and low-fat diet is also a helpful remedy for curing kidney cysts. Following this advice can reduce blood pressure, affecting the kidneys, and helps in minimizing complications related to cysts.
  4. Consume a diet low in protein intake. Protein can put stress on the kidneys and make them work much harder. Sometimes a cyst can cause damage to the kidney, so the kidney will have difficulties expelling the waste.
  5. Smoking, smokes from household chemicals, and overuse of medicines build extra toxins in the body. This means extra work for your kidneys. This increases the level of stress on kidneys resulting in the cysts growing large in size. Thus, always avoid elements that make the circumstances worse.

Along with Ayurvedic remedies for Renal cyst, Karma Ayurveda introduces renal cyst treatment in Ayurveda to cure this fatal disease. You can contact us if you are suffering from the problem of renal cysts or any issue related to the kidneys.

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