Is Ayurveda treatment for damaged kidneys effective?

Yes, Ayurveda offers a combination of different natural remedies which are proven to be effective for curing all stages of different renal ailments. Ayurveda is the science of life that uses a holistic approach to cure every possible health ailments ranging from mild to severe ones. There’s a lot of hype around Ayurvedic treatment for the past few decades because the results it has been offering are way better in all aspects in comparison with other treatments.

The ayurvedic treatment originated from India. This 500-year old natural healing art was proposed by great sages and rishis, and now it has spread its wings across the world.

Allopathy is gradually losing its light which was once considered to be the major source of medication geared up with strong core science, tools, and technology. Lack of affordable hospitals, poor sanitation at public hospitals, missing doctors, ill-equipped health professionals, fake and expensive drugs, etc are some of the primary drivers contributing to India’s ailing health sector.

This eventually made people looking for another safe, reliable, and effective substitute of allopathy medication where Ayurvedic treatment was founded to be a jack of all trades.

Ayurvedic aspect for kidney problems

Kidney problems have become commonplace in India. The estimated prevalence of CKD ( chronic kidney disease) patients in India is said to be 17% and the numbers don't seem to be slowing down right now.

Allopathy argues and strongly believes that kidney damage cannot be reversed and cured with routine medication, a person has to undergo dialysis or a kidney transplant to live, but Ayurveda has a different take on that. The Ayurvedic aspect says that the food we eat we eat is considered as an offering to Agni ( fire).

Human body is a complex of 5 elements -

  • Earth
  • Water
  • Space
  • Air
  • Fire (agni)

What you eat can either nourish and strengthen this fire, or smother and weaken Agni. Harmful foods like- pizza, french fries, and processed meats can create an undigested residue that forms toxins inside your body. This undigested residue can bring some chronic health problems like- Obesity, High blood pressure, and diabetes which can directly impair your kidneys’ functioning.

According to Ayurveda, our body is governed by the three primary energy forces which are-

  • Vata dosha (Controls your basic body functions like heartbeat, pulse movements, blood circulation, thoughts, and bowel movements).
  • Pitta dosha (Controls your metabolism, digestion, and hormones linked to your appetite).
  • Kapha dosha (Controls your immune system, body weight, strength, and stability).

Sometimes unhealthy lifestyles involve less sleep, stress, and poor diet toll on the balance of these primary doshas which can bring some serious health complications including kidney dysfunction.

The Ayurvedic treatments for kidney dysfunction are intended to bring balance to the disrupted doshas and help you to maintain the robustness of your kidneys. Ayurvedic treatment is a gradual process that works in three different stages and delivers 360-degree relief from the pain-

The internal purification

The primary function of Ayurvedic treatment is to detoxify your body internally by enhancing the blood purification process. This helps your body to get rid of chemical toxins, bacterias, infections, and viruses from your body which can also cause kidney infection if left inside for a longer period.

Powering your natural defenses

Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment

After restoring the internal damage, the herbs target to strengthen your immune system which will help your body to fight off the disease naturally.

Improves your digestive system

Your digestive system plays a crucial role in determining your physical and mental health. What you eat has a direct impact on your body and mind, and your aura. Sometimes unhealthy eating can aggravate pitta dosha which controls your metabolism, digestion, and other functions related to your stomach. Ayurvedic medicines make your digestive system strong and also protect you from many health problems like- constipation, diarrhea, jaundice, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Read Also This Article - Ayurveda or Allopathy

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