What is the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder where the kidneys have been damaged, causing them to leak too much protein from blood into the urine. It is also termed Nephrosis.

Nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by damage to the glomeruli(s) of your kidneys. The glomeruli are the cluster of tiny blood vessels which filter your blood as it passes through the kidneys. Healthy glomeruli keep blood protein from seeping into the urine. When damaged, glomeruli allow too much protein to leave your body, causing nephrotic syndrome.

What are the causes of nephrotic syndrome?

Many diseases and complications can cause nephrotic syndrome. Some of the conditions that can damage the glomeruli and lead to nephrotic syndrome include:

  • Minimal change disease: This is the common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children. Some causes of this disease include allergic reactions, taking certain medicines, infections from viruses, and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  • Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: It is also known as FSGS. This disease causes the scarring of the glomeruli(s). It’s the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults.
  • Membranous nephropathy: In this disease, the membranes of the glomeruli thicken. The thickening is due to deposits made by the immune system. The causes may include cancer, malaria, hepatitis B, and lupus.
  • Diabetes: It is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults. It can cause kidney damage that affects glomeruli, known as diabetic nephropathy.
  • Lupus: It is a chronic disease of the immune system. It can severely damage the kidneys.
  • Amyloidosis: When there is a buildup of substances called amyloid proteins in the blood this disease occurs. Amyloid buildup can often damage the kidneys' filtering system.

What are the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome?

In the early stages, it might be difficult to notice any symptoms. But as the disease advance, the signs and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome include:

  • Swelling in your eyes, face, feet, and ankles
  • Foamy urine
  • Bubbly urine
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite

People often ask What is the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome? Well, the best option is to go for Ayurveda treatment for the nephrotic syndrome as it relieves all such symptoms by bringing the kidneys back to their normal functioning.

Who is at risk for nephrotic syndrome?

Anyone can get nephrotic syndrome but it is more common in men than in women. It can also affect children and adults of all ages. There are other factors too that may increase your risk of getting nephrotic syndrome:

  • A disease that affects the kidneys such as FSGS, lupus, or diabetes.
  • Certain medicines like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) or antibiotics.
  • Infections such as HIV, hepatitis B, and C, or malaria.

What are the complications of having nephrotic syndrome?

Well, there are many complications that a person can face being diagnosed with nephrotic syndromes, such as:

  • Blood clots
  • Higher risk of infection
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Poor nutrition
  • Weakness
  • Hair fall
  • Dull skin
  • Dryness
  • Facial edema
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Kidney failure
  • Swelling in the legs and hands
  • A feeble digestive system

How is Nephrotic Syndrome Diagnosed?

To diagnose the nephrotic syndrome, your doctor may suggest the following tests:

  • Urinalysis: A urine test determines the amount of protein in the urine. Protein in the urine is the earliest sign of kidney disease.
  • Blood test: Blood tests determine the levels of creatinine, albumin, cholesterol, and many other factors examined.
  • Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR): GFR is an estimator of kidney function through calculating blood creatinine levels with urine protein levels
  • Kidney Biopsy: For a kidney biopsy, a small piece of kidney tissue is extracted. It will be sent for evaluation in response to glomerulonephritis.
  • Ultrasound: An ultrasound checks for any changes in the size and structure of the kidneys or looks for any blockage in their function.

It is important to get timely treatment for nephrotic syndrome. Karma Ayurveda provides the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome which deals with kidney diseases and gives permanent treatment.

What is the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome?

Ayurveda is an ancient medical science. It is a 5000-year old art that helps to cure the disease naturally. The Ayurveda treatment gives a holistic approach to cure kidney disease.

Ayurveda treatment for Nephrotic syndrome is the best treatment to cure the disease. It works on the root cause of the disease. The ayurvedic treatment is inclusive of natural herbs which are effective in treating the disease.

Ayurvedic treatment for nephrotic syndrome involves analysis of your body Prakriti, and accordingly, herbal medications are provided. These herbs have the potential to rejuvenate damages caused to the cells of the kidneys.

Ayurvedic treatment for nephrotic syndrome helps:

There are thousands of kidney patients who got saved from kidney dialysis, kidney transplant, and other dangerous procedures with Ayurveda treatment.

Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners are specialized in providing the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome in Ayurveda. The treatment uses only Ayurvedic methodology for treating kidney disease.

Some general dietary guidelines for nephrotic syndrome patients:

  • Follow a diet low in salt
  • Reduce fat intake
  • Be mindful of protein intake
  • Prepare meals at home
  • Consume fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes
  • Avoid alcohol and quit smoking

Changes to your diet and managing your lifestyle might help with nephrotic syndrome. Diet is recommended, depending upon the condition of your kidneys. Consult your doctor, Ayurvedic practitioner, or renal dietitian to know your specific diet.

For that, consult Karma Ayurveda's kidney specialist, Dr. Puneet, for Ayurvedic treatment and a healthy diet plan.

At Karma Ayurveda, the best ayurvedic treatment for nephrotic syndrome has cured 1,20,000+ patients successfully with kidney disease, our treatment is unique and based on the natural remedies offered by Ayurveda.

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