Prevention and home remedies to cure Proteinuria

Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that filter waste products and excess fluid naturally out of the body in the form of urine. The kidneys perform some essential functions in the body, such as:

  • Maintain overall fluid balance
  • Regulate and filtering minerals from the blood
  • Filter waste materials from food, medications, and toxic substances
  • Regulate hormones that help produce red blood cells, promote bone health, and regulate blood pressure

However, sometimes kidneys excrete essential nutrients. In healthy individuals, urine contains a small amount of protein, whereas a high amount of protein suggests that there is an illness or kidney disease.

Protein helps to build muscle and bone, fight infection, regulate the amount of fluid in the blood, repair tissue, and should remain in the blood. When protein enters urine they ultimately leave the body, which isn’t healthy.

What is proteinuria?

Proteinuria is a condition that arises when urine contains an excess amount of protein that is normally found there only in very small amounts.

The kidneys filter waste naturally out of the body in the form of urine. Healthy kidneys do not allow a significant amount of protein to exit the body through urine. But when the kidneys aren’t functioning properly, protein such as albumin may leak from the blood into the urine. Therefore, when protein is found in high amounts in the urine, it can signal kidney damage or can be an early sign of kidney disease.

According to Allopathy, there is no permanent treatment for proteinuria but in Ayurveda, a person can permanently get relief from proteinuria. Proteinuria treatment in ayurveda is the most effective treatment and cures the disease naturally.

What are the causes of proteinuria?

There are several reasons that cause protein in the urine, such as:

    ·        Type 1 and type 2 diabetes

    ·        High blood pressure

    ·        Glomerulonephritis

    ·        Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

    ·        Eclampsia during pregnancy

    ·        Dehydration or loss of fluid in the body

    ·        Consuming antibiotics for a long time

    ·        Direct trauma and accident

    ·        Overweight

    ·        IgA nephropathy

    ·        Nephrotic syndrome

    ·        Cardiovascular disease

    ·        Kidney cancer

    ·        Orthostatic proteinuria

    What are the symptoms of proteinuria?


    If kidneys are just beginning to have problems, you won’t notice any signs or symptoms. However, if proteinuria is progressed, symptoms include:


           Frequent urination

           Shortness of breath


           Nausea and vomiting

           Swelling in the face, feet, ankles, or abdomen

           Poor appetite

           Muscle cramps at night

           Puffiness around the eyes

           Foamy or bubbly urine 

    If you are experiencing any of these signs or symptoms of proteinuria, then you must see a doctor immediately. Proteinuria treatment in ayurveda works best to cure the disease naturally. 

    How to diagnose proteinuria? 

           Urine test: A urinalysis can indicate abnormalities in your urine, such as large amounts of protein if you have Proteinuria.

           Blood test: A blood sample is taken to identify the level of protein in the blood.


    It is important to go for diagnosis so that timely treatment can be initiated. 


    How proteinuria can be prevented?


           Reduce the amount of protein in the meals: Over-consuming of protein is harmful for the health. When a person consumes high protein-rich foods, he may notice a temporary rise of protein in his urine, and only lowering the amount of protein intake will help him out with this condition.


           Avoid strenuous exercise: People who perform intense workouts often consume protein-rich supplements and high protein diets to enhance their muscle mass and vitality. Due to an increase in the protein level in the body, protein in urine can take place. So, avoid doing strenuous exercise and prefer natural sources of protein intake.


           Avoid red meat: Avoid eating red meat because the latter of red meat is harder to break down. The kidneys may not be healthy enough to digest red meat that is high in protein and they may have to work harder to digest.


           Reduce salt intake: High salt diet can put extra pressure on the kidneys and affect them by reducing their functionality. So, reduce salt intake to keep the kidneys healthy.


           Drink an adequate amount of water: Drinking an adequate amount of water daily can help to excrete out the waste easily in the urine. It is better to not consume water in the form of soda, cold drinks, and alcohol because it may cause more kidney problems.


           Maintain a healthy weight: An overweight person can invite many health diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes which are the most common causes of proteinuria. So, one should maintain an ideal weight to stay healthy and to keep themselves away from the condition of proteinuria. 

    Proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda 

    Ayurveda is a 5000-year old life science that accentuates the improvement of the impaired internal body function using natural herbs, diet, and lifestyle changes. 

    Ayurveda is the most efficacious treatment to cure kidney disease. Ayurveda treatment works on the underlying condition that resulted in proteinuria. It helps to restore the functions of damaged kidneys. 

    Proteinuria treatment in ayurveda consists of medicines that contain several authentic herbs to treat the disease. The herbs are very effective in treating the root cause of the disease and its symptoms. They help to rejuvenate kidneys and overall well-being. 

    It also provides customized diet plans that are healthy and works wonders for the patients. Furthermore, it directs about the continuing practice of yoga in the individual with diseased kidneys. It helps to prevent the chances of end-stage renal disease and kidney failure.


    Home remedies for proteinuria


    Here are some home remedies that can help to treat proteinuria:


           Consume a diet rich in fresh fruits​, vegetables​, and grains​ so that your body covers up the protein loss.

           Eat food​ less in salt or sodium​ as salt​ puts tremendous pressure on your kidneys.

           Drink​ an adequate amount of water​ so that your kidneys can eliminate the waste protein out of your body.

           Exercise daily so that your muscles will use protein to an adequate level.

           Maintain a healthy weight.

           Do not take the stress​ and reduce the feelings of anxiety.

           Minimize liquor consumption and stop the use of smoking.


    Besides this all, it is also important for kidney patients to get the right treatment done. Each person has a different condition and requires a different treatment approach. 

    If you are in search of a cure for protein loss in urine then the right solution to your problem is to go for proteinuria treatment​ in Ayurveda. Reach us at Karma Ayurveda for effective treatment and to lead a healthy and disease-free life. 

    Karma Ayurveda is a kidney care hospital in New Delhi and has been successfully treating patients with kidney disease since 1937 under the guidance of Dr. Puneet. So to get a permanent solution to your disease naturally, consult us.

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