How do I get rid of protein in my urine?

If your lab report shows albumin protein in your urine then there’s a possibility that might have proteinuria in your kidneys which can be fatal if not get treated with the right medication. Proteinuria is a common but serious renal ailment that leads to the excessive loss of protein from the body during the urine elimination process.

This problem can also lead to kidney failure which is a permanent loss of your kidneys’ functioning, and a person might need to undergo dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Chronic kidney diseases like proteinuria choke millions of lives every year in India.

There’s a huge list of environmental factors which contributes to fuel chronic kidney disease like proteinuria among Indian millennial and senior citizens which are above 60 years old, such as-

  • Poor lifestyle conditions involve- bad sleep, unhealthy eating, consuming high amounts of salt, canned or processed foods which can affect your kidneys’ functioning.
  • Low investment in waste management systems in India
  • Lack of medical facilities in rural areas
  • Costly medical facilities which eventually make medical services out of reach from middle and lower classes.

Let’s learn more about proteinuria with it’s symptoms, causes, and how you can fix it up with safe, effective, and entirely natural proteinuria ayurvedic treatment.

What is proteinuria?

Proteinuria is a common renal ailment that occurs when your kidneys lose their ability to stop protein and other nutrients from seeping out from the body via urine. When your kidneys stop working as they should, they can let some protein sneak out from the body via urine which can be a sign of proteinuria. People suffering from proteinuria often experience foamy urine which indicates the presence of protein in the urine.

But, foamy urine does not necessarily mean that you’re suffering from proteinuria. Sometimes while urinating our urine hits the surface with the speed that it turns the urine foamy. Therefore, to be concrete about it we advise you to get your urine sample tested so that you can prevent the budding threat in time.

What are the symptoms of proteinuria?

A person suffering from proteinuria mostly won't notice any clear signs or symptoms in early or mild cases. Over time, the problem gets advanced, and you might experience some symptoms including-

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Having severe muscle cramps at night
  • Having frequent urges to pass urine
  • Swelling in your feet, hands, belly, and face
  • Nausea and feeling of throwing up
  • Having foamy or bubbly urine
  • Having urine with a strong foul smell
  • Having frequent urges to pass urine

If you feel any of the following symptoms in your health then it’s advised to consult the doctor to prevent the budding threat in time.

What are the causes of proteinuria?

There are certain environmental and medical factors that contribute to developing proteinuria in your kidneys which may include the following-

  • Severe dehydration
  • Inflammation
  • Kidney stones
  • Low blood pressure
  • High stress
  • Regular ingestion of aspirin
  • Very low temperatures
  • Intense physical activity
  • Having a high blood sugar level
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Immune disorders, such as lupus
  • A blood cancer called multiple myeloma
  • Preeclampsia, which affects pregnant women
  • Kidney cancer
  • Obesity
  • Age factor if you’re above 60

How does protein get into your urine?

Protein in urine occurs when the small blood vessels in your kidneys get damaged and stop working as they should. Apart from purifying your blood from chemical toxins, glomeruli are also primed to stop the protein from going out from your body via urine. The excessive loss of protein from urine is called proteinuria which can weaken your bones and muscles and can also make your body protein deficient if not get treated in time.

When to see a doctor?

It’s important to consult the doctor if you’re constantly feeling the above mentioned symptoms in your health.

Ayurvedic aspect for proteinuria

The Ayurvedic aspect for proteinuria is like our diet plays a crucial role in determining our physical and mental health. Whatever we eat is looked up as an offering to our doshas (Vatadosha, Pitta dosha, and Kaphadosha), these doshas control certain areas of a human body and keep our body in a stable state. Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria is a precise blend of several potent herbs which aids in healthy recovery and harmonizes your mind, body, and soul. Ayurveda is a holistic way of treatment that brings balance to the aggravated dosha and lets you attain overall holistic health which involves your mind, body, and soul.

The Ayurvedic aspect for proteinuria is like our diet plays a crucial role in determining our physical and mental health. Whatever we eat is looked up as an offering to our doshas (Vatadosha, Pitta dosha, and Kaphadosha), these doshas control certain areas of a human body and keep our body in a stable state. Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria is a precise blend of several potent herbs which aids in healthy recovery and harmonizes your mind, body, and soul. Ayurveda is a holistic way of treatment that brings balance to the aggravated dosha and lets you attain overall holistic health which involves your mind, body, and soul.

Ayurvedic herbs work in three different stages which include-

  1. Bio-cleansing procedure (panchakarma)
  2. Strengthening of natural defenses
  3. Stimulation of dead or weaken kidneys’ cells

Bio-cleansing procedure (panchkarma)

Panchkarma is an important segment of Ayurvedic treatment which detoxifies your body internally from toxins, viruses, and infections that make you vulnerable to having many health problems.

Strengthening of natural defenses

Ayurvedic medicines power your immune system which enhances your body’s ability to fight the disease naturally.

Stimulation of dead or weaken kidneys’ cells

Ayurvedic herbs also stimulate your weakened or dead kidneys’ cells so that they start functioning as they should.

Ayurvedic treatment claims to have a solution of every possible health ailment ranging from mild to severe ones. The treatment demands time and consistency to give the desired results with 100% no recurrence.

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