what is the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome?

What is nephrotic syndrome?

Protein plays a major role in the internal and external growth of your body. But excess amounts of protein can also cause some conditions that can prove to be harmful to your kidneys. If your body has a sufficient amount of protein then all functions can run normally but the leakage of too much protein in your urine can be a sign of danger for your body; Nephrotic syndrome is amenable for this condition. It is a kidney disorder that induces your body to transfer too much protein in your urine. It is usually generated by damage to the small knots of blood vessels that are filtering parts in your kidneys. They are chief in the process of blood filtration. This syndrome can create negative impacts on multiple organs in your body.

As we all know that kidneys are the most important organs in your body. They are the ones that handle numerous functions in your body. In simple words, they influence other functions that are performed by other organs. Blood filtration, balancing electrolytes, blood pressure and formation of red blood cells in your body are some of its duties that help our body in growing internally.

Nephrotic syndrome is not a disease while it is a bunch of symptoms that indicate your kidneys are not working usually. These symptoms signify too much protein in urine and not enough protein in your blood. An increase in fat or cholesterol in your blood can be identified if you are having these symptoms. Destruction of glomeruli can also trigger the levels of protein in your urine. Nowadays nephrotic syndrome is not sparing for children. It is affecting the lives of both adults and children.

What are the signs and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome?

The detection of nephrotic syndrome can be done through routine blood and urine tests as you cannot measure too much protein in urine on your own. These results can help in identifying if you are suffering from too much protein in urine or not. Some noticeable signs and symptoms can arrive when the condition advances. They are:

  • Too much protein in the urine, the medical term for this condition is proteinuria.
  • Elevated levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood, this condition is known as hyperlipidemia.
  • Decrease in the levels of blood protein i.e.albumin, this condition is known as hypoalbuminemia.
  • Edema: Swelling which occurs particularly in your ankles, feet and puffiness around your eyes.

People who are carriers of nephrotic syndrome can also experience:

  • The foamy or bubbly appearance of urine.
  • Unjustified weight gain from the buildups of waste and extra fluids in your body due to poor filtration.
  • Fatigue and weakness.
  • Loss of appetite.

What are the causes of nephrotic syndrome?

Your kidneys consist of little blood vessels that are the structure and filtering parts. As your blood passes through these vessels, excess water and waste product filters and passes into the urine. Essential proteins and other substances stay in your bloodstream according to your bodily needs. Nephrotic syndrome occurs when the glomerulus is harmed which leads to poor filtration of your blood and leakage of protein in your urine. The major condition that arrives along with nephrotic syndrome is that kidneys can lose their functionality gradually as these symptoms progress. The blood protein albumin is also necessary as it is the one that draws the extra fluid from your blood into your kidneys. These toxic fluids are eliminated in urine. Lack of albumin, poor filtration and loss of kidneys function can result in the disturbance of functioning chains of organs. There are some primary and secondary causes of nephrotic syndrome. These are some health conditions that are responsible for affecting the kidneys and causing nephrotic syndrome.

The primary causes of nephrotic syndrome include these medical conditions:

  • Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS): This genetic defect scars glomeruli.
  • Membranous nephropathy: This medical condition causes the thickening of the membranes that are located in the glomerulus. Other medical conditions can also increase the risk of membranous nephropathy.
  • Minimal change disease: They are very difficult to detect as the damaged kidney tissues appear normal under a microscope. As a result, the kidney loses its functioning.
  • Renal vein thrombosis: This disorder causes drainage of blood out of the kidney by creating obstructions in a vein.

Secondary causes of nephrotic syndrome affect the whole body. These diseases are:

  • Diabetes: It is very common in India. Elevated levels of blood sugar can provide monstrous damage to the blood vessels along with your kidneys.
  • Lupus: This autoimmune disease causes inflammation in the joints, kidneys and other organs.
  • Amyloidosis: It is a rare disease that is caused by the buildups of the protein amyloid in the organs in your body that can lead to kidney damage.

Some allopathic medications contain drugs and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs.They are associated with nephrotic syndrome.

When to see the doctor?

If you or anyone near you are experiencing these symptoms of nephrotic syndrome then seeking medical advice is necessary as it can help in the earlier detection of the significant health condition.

Ayurvedic Treatment for the Nephrotic Syndrome

What is the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome?

The treatment of symptoms is necessary to manage this disorder. Nowadays modern complications come with modern solutions. Doctors offer a variety of allopathic medicines that can be used to control the significant situation but these modern medicines are proven to be harmful to your immune system which is the protective shield in your body. Whereas Ayurveda comes as a hero which provides natural solutions to our modern problems. The management of diet is very important in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome. Ayurveda has introduced customised diet charts that are designed according to your reports. Ayurvedic practitioners advise reducing the amount of salt intake as it can prevent swelling and helps in managing your blood pressure. Drinking fewer fluids and opting for a diet that is low in fats and cholesterol can also help in treating nephrotic syndrome. The discipline in diet can bring a lot of positive changes to an individual suffering from this disorder. The medicines that are prescribed by ayurvedic doctors are all herbal and natural. They are free of side effects and toxic elements that can create a string of complications for your body. Natural healing therapies help in boosting a patient's disturbed mental health.

If you want the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome then contact Karma Ayurveda as it is a patient-friendly hospital that provides a natural approach to the treatment of the nephrotic syndrome.

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