Can protein in urine disappear?

Having an abnormal level of protein in urine is known as proteinuria in medical terms. Protein is one of the essential substances for the human body. A couple of types of protein are also found in the blood that is useful for the body. The body uses the necessary protein amount while letting the other protein leave body with urine. Kidneys help in the regulation of protein levels in the blood and also releasing excess or unwanted protein from the blood through urine. When the kidneys become damaged, especially their filters get damaged, a high loss of protein in urine occurs. In many cases, a temporary high level of urine is usual as it may happen due to exercises, stress, intake of high protein diet, consumption of protein supplements, and high fever, etc. Temporarily elevated protein in urine is not serious and gets disappeared with its cause. On the other hand, a persistently high protein level may be an indication of poor kidney health or any kidney disease.

Diseases and conditions that are responsible for a persistently high level of protein are as listed below:

  • Amyloidosis
  • Intake of certain drugs
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Heart problems
  • Chronic kidney disease

A few more factors can elevate the level of protein in your urine. Mainly, chronic kidney disease is the common reason behind increasing protein levels in urine. In such a condition, early diagnosis and taking the right steps to combat this problem is the only way to cure it. Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria can help disappear protein naturally. In contrast, the modern healing method works directly on this kidney problem.

What helps detect high protein level in urine?

High protein in urine can be determined with some examinations of urine samples of a patient. Additionally, blood tests can also be brought into use to determine low protein levels in the blood. With such tests, your doctor can know about high protein loss in urine and also reduction of protein in your blood.

Further, some Screening tests such as Renal Ultrasound, CT Scan or MRI, and a Renal Biopsy can be conducted further to understand the reason behind increasing protein loss in urine. If you are said to have damaged kidneys by your doctor after knowing your test reports, go for the best treatment that can make protein in urine disappear naturally.

The best treatment for high protein in the urine

The modern healing method helps manage complications of proteinuria by targeting them. Allopathy works on the complications as well as symptoms of the problem using some medicines and dialysis sometimes. With these healing practices, Allopathic kidney disease treatment can offer temporary relief to the problem as the disease doesn’t work on the complications of the disease.

If a patient chooses the ancient healing method, Ayurveda, it can give better results in high protein in the urine. Ayurveda is an age-old healing method that works on the disease in several ways. Primarily this healing method identifies the cause of the disease and analyzes the overall health of the patient. As per the analysis, a customized treatment is prepared that mainly consists of herbal formulations, some ancient therapies, a diet chart, and a few changes in day-to-day life. With such practices, Ayurveda cures a disease permanently and revives the overall health. In high protein in the urine, Ayurveda utilizes its same working methodology to make protein in urine disappear.

Ayurveda works on the core of the body as it believes every health problem is the result of any disturbed bodily energies that are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This treatment addresses the imbalanced body energy and fixes it to ensure the smooth functioning of the body. By applying the ancient and natural therapies, this healing program removes all complications or symptoms associated with this problem and also make protein in urine disappear naturally.

In a nutshell, Ayurvedic treatment normalizes protein in urine by reviving kidneys functioning and enabling them to function well again.

Choose the best Ayurvedic kidney expert if you want to make protein in urine disappear naturally.

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