Is Ayurvedic treatment good for kidney disease?

To understand is Ayurvedic treatment good for kidney disease; first, you should understand kidney diseases and the Ayurvedic principle to cure.


A medical condition is said to kidney disease where your kidneys do not work properly due to damage. Kidneys are unique and vital organs in our body that do many tasks to contribute to body functioning. These organs mainly do blood filtration and remove wastes, toxins, and excess fluid from the body. Additionally, they release hormones to stimulate red blood cell production, regulate blood pressure and maintain electrolytes’ balance, etc. Kidneys are capable of carrying out these functions effectively and thus keep your body healthy. These organs become diseased due to any damage that may occur due to internal or external factors. Internal factors mean health problems or body ailments that affect your kidneys’ health. If it comes to external causative factors for kidney disease, direct injury to kidneys, unhealthy habits such as drinking and smoking, and a few more. Among these, diabetes and hypertension or high blood pressure are the most common causes of kidney disease.

Ayurvedic Treatment to Reduce Protein in Urine 

What problems may a kidney patient experience?

The early phase of kidney problems does not cause any health complications as kidneys work well if they have any minor or moderate damage. They start causing problems when kidneys are damaged 50 percent or above. In such a condition, the wastes, toxins, and fluid levels shoot up, which causes many body symptoms. Some common symptoms a kidney patient may experience are as below:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Skin itching or bruising
  • Blood in urine
  • Foamy urine
  • Problem in breathing
  • Muscle cramp
  • Low urine output and change in urine color
  • Body swelling
  • Difficulty in sleeping

If you notice more than a couple of these symptoms, seek medical help as soon as possible.

When a medical practitioner sees these health problems, he suspects any kidney problem and therefore orders you to undergo some health checks. Your medical reports help the doctor understand your health problem. He may suggest you follow some Urine tests, Blood tests, Renal Imaging tests, and Kidney Biopsy in this phase.

If you undergo these tests and your test reports have visible parameters indicating poor kidney health, your doctor may suggest the best cure accordingly.

What makes Ayurveda a good treatment for kidney disease?

In kidney diseases, mainly dialysis and kidney transplant are recommended as per an Allopathic practitioner. These modern methods can only help manage kidney problems but can’t offer a permanent as they do not work on the problem's deep causes. Among these, dialysis is a modern healing method that is used to clean the blood by removing wastes and unwanted fluid from the body. If this procedure is used a couple of times, it is helpful, but its frequent use can turn problematic, as it has many consequences associated with it. If it comes to a kidney transplant, it’s a complicated surgery used to place a healthy kidney in a patient’s body. During or even after conducting this surgery, a patient is at a higher risk of developing many health problems. So, Allopathy is not a better treatment option for your kidney problem.

If you choose the best Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment, it can be the best cure for your kidney diseases. Ayurveda is the most ancient healing method that aims to provide a permanent cure by working on deep causes of a problem. This healing science mainly emphasizes on using natural herbs and some ancient healing therapies that work wonders. Natural herbs help rejuvenate your health along with making your body complications-free. These herbs stimulate the body’s core functions by eradicating any problem causing factor.

Additionally, herbal medications also help the body regenerate new cells and tissue naturally to replace the damaged ones. While natural therapies help stimulate the body’s functionality in a completely natural manner. With these practices, an Ayurvedic practitioner also suggests a patient to make some lifestyle changes, mainly diet-related changes.

In kidney disease treatment, Ayurveda applies its ancient healing treatment methodology. This natural treatment helps remove all kidney complications and also reviving kidneys’ health. So, this treatment helps a patient gain his natural kidneys’ health without any side-effects.

In a nutshell, Ayurvedic kidney treatment offers a permanent cure to kidney patients without impacting them negatively.

Find the best Ayurvedic kidney treatment from a reliable hospital to beat your kidney problem naturally.

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