Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney-related disorder that allows the body to excrete too much protein during urination. It is caused or triggered by the clusters of the small blood vessels in the kidneys that filter waste and fluid from the blood. The condition causes swelling in your feet and ankles and results in an increased risk of health problems due to protein called albumin loss.
When they are damaged, too much protein slips through the filters in the urine, making it difficult for the body to function properly and fight infections. As albumin continues to do some important functions for the body, it is important to prevent it from losing. The treatment includes treating the underlying condition that is causing it and taking medications. Also, Ayurveda works best in the case of kidneys. So, you can also take Ayurvedic medications to get better, followed by a healthy diet and lifestyle changes. Nephrotic syndrome can affect both adults and children. However, it is treatable.
The signs and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome are similar to the conditions that resulted in the loss of kidney function.
Severe swelling (edema): It is the protein called albumin that helps the excess fluid from seeping into the cells and tissues. If the cells and tissues of the legs have much fluid, likely swelling occurs in the lower body portion. Also, patients with nephrotic syndrome notice puffy eyes and faces when they wake up.
Foamy urine: This occurs as a result of excess protein in your urine. Those with nephrotic syndrome have urine that looks foamy or frothy. It is also because the albumin, which is a protein, looks like a beaten egg and make foaminess when it is flushed along with the urine.
Weight gain due to fluid retention: If you may have nephrotic syndrome, it is likely you may gain sudden weight. This is a sign of nephrotic syndrome, that should be followed by a diagnostic test.
Fatigue: The kidneys are important for many functions. If your kidney function is not accurate, it means the body is loaded with toxins and waste material. This can make you seem tired and lethargic.
Loss of appetite: Often, people with nephrotic syndrome have too much waste in their blood. It makes them lose their appetite and hunger. If you don’t feel like eating anything for no apparent reason, consult your doctor.
When to see a doctor
Make an appointment with your doctor if you have signs or symptoms that indicate nephrotic syndrome.
Who is at the risk of nephrotic syndrome?
Anyone can get nephrotic syndrome, but it is slightly more common in men than in women. If it happens in children, it occurs between the ages of 2 and 6. There are other factors that may increase your risk, such as:
- Have a disease that affects the kidneys such as FSGS, lupus, or diabetes.
- Take certain medicines like non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or antibiotics.
- Have an infection such as HIV, hepatitis B, and C, or malaria.
Watch out for the signs to know if you have a nephrotic syndrome or not. And get treated if diagnostic tests confirm the condition. You can also consult us at Karma Ayurveda for ayurvedic treatment for nephrotic syndrome.