5 Vegetables for High Creatinine

Creatinine is a waste compound, the high level of which in the blood indicates impaired kidney function. To draw out excess creatinine from the blood, it is compulsory to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle measures. Your lifestyle habits and diet patterns have a lot to do with your kidneys. Hence, your dietician would recommend a diet rich in superfoods for the kidneys. Superfoods prevent or protect the body against undesirable fatty acid oxidation, a condition that occurs when the oxygen in the body reacts with fats in the blood and cells. Oxidation is a process in which the body produces energy and many chemical reactions that take place, but if there is excess oxidation of fats and cholesterol, the body creates more molecules, called free radicals. The role of free radicals is to damage the body, primarily proteins, cell membranes, and genes. Chronic kidney disease is one such disease that may result from the oxidation of fats and cholesterol in some cases. So, consuming super foods that are healthy will prevent and preserve kidney function.

Super foods contain antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and ensure your well-being. So, this blog is dedicated to super foods that are healthy for kidneys also:

Ayurvedic treatment to serum creatinine level

  • Cabbage - Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable, known to be a packet full of phytochemicals and chemical compounds that break free radicals within before they can actually damage the body. Such phytochemicals are even known for producing cancer-preventing agents and improve heart health. Rich and affluent in vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber, cabbage is also a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid. Besides, it is also low in potassium, so it can be added to a renal diet. Cabbage can also be given to a dialysis patient to meet their nutritional needs.
  • Red bell peppers - One of the reasons why kidney patients are suggested red bell peppers is that they are low in potassium and high in fiber. Yet these tasty vegetables are also excellent vegetable to get your vitamin C, B6, A, folic acid, and fiber need. Red bell peppers are good for a kidney patient because they contain lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect the patient against cancers. They can be consumed as a salad or in brown bread sandwiches, or as you like.
  • Cauliflower - This vegetable is high in vitamin C while it is affluent in folate and fiber at the same time. It is loaded with indoles, glucosinolates, and thiocyanates, the compounds that counterbalance toxic substances in the liver. Ask your dietician about the quantity of cauliflower that can be taken during a renal diet. Half a cup serving of boiled cauliflower gives you 9 mg sodium, 20 mg phosphorus, and 88 mg potassium.
  • Ridge Gourd - You may probably not want to consume ridge Gourd, but this is one of the healthiest vegetables to rely on. It helps cleanse the blood and reduces the risk of blood infection. This vegetable is great for your liver, which affects your diseased kidney. Even if you have a high blood sugar level, consuming this vegetable would help.
  • Bottle gourd - Bottle gourd, a green vegetable, helps reduce the inflammations in the liver and kidneys—this veggie aids in easing the problem related to constipation. The water and fiber in the bottle gourd make the digestive system free and active. Bottle gourd helps to treat urinary tract infections that become the reason for various kidney problems. Bottle gours is suggested to kidney patients because it is easy to digest, unlike other vegetables.

So, these are some of the vegetables that can be consumed during kidney disease or when your kidney function is not accurate. Reach out to us at Karma Ayurveda to get yourself a dietician’s advice.

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