Kidney Disease: Global Burden and Relief with Ayurvedic Treatment

Kidney disease is a global problem whose impact can be seen on more than 750 million people all around the world. The impact and the burden of kidney diseases are different in various parts of the world. It has been found that some of the deaths due to kidney diseases are the result of unawareness about the diseases and low knowledge of the treatments that can be opted if one does not work. It is very important for all of us to educate ourselves about the diseases of kidneys from the core and about the unconventional method of treatment so that the battle can be won. Moreover, we should also know about the management of kidney diseases so that primary care can be done at home. In this blog, we will study the global burden of kidney diseases and the fact that Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment is the best among all kinds of cures of the kidneys.


The burden of kidney diseases

With the help of different data obtained from all around the world, it can be concluded that the impact varies depending upon the varied determinants. In some countries of the world, a huge part of the total health budget is spent only on the treatment of kidney diseases. Facilities like dialysis, kidney transplant, and medication have been introduced to the people so that the high mortality can be prevented. However, a maximum part of these efforts by the countries is in vain as they are not able to meet the expected results. In developing countries, the mortality condition is even worse.

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Ayurveda and Kidney diseases

As mentioned above, Ayurveda is a very effective way of treating diseases of kidneys from the roots along with all the causative factors. Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment is a multi-dimensional process inclusive of herbs and alterations in diet and lifestyle. With the help of its nephron-corrective herbal medicines, Ayurveda can take care of the kidney diseases from the core. In Ayurveda, the good health of the kidneys is determined by the harmony of three major bodily doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Any vitiation in the doshas can affect the health of the kidneys. Also, the blockage in the outgoing and incoming channels of the kidneys results in the swelling and atrophy respectively. Therefore, the aim of the Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment is the pacification of all these odds.

Management of kidney diseases

Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment says that any disease of the kidneys can be altered whenever diagnosed. However, early diagnosis helps in better management of the condition. There are some ways suggested by the Ayurvedic nephrologist that helps in the management of kidney diseases and the prevention of further deterioration of the organ.

  • The first thing that should be kept in mind for the management of kidney diseases is the management of high blood pressure as hypertension is a major reason behind kidney diseases. The pressure of the blood should be less than 140/90 mm Hg.
  • If you have diabetes then you should take care of the blood glucose level and aim for a level below 7%.
  • Take proper care of your kidneys’ health and go for regular health checkups.
  • Take all the prescribed herbal medicines on time.
  • Do not consume any over the counter medicines.
  • Develop a kidney diet plan.
  • Quit the habit of smoking and drinking.
  • Get proper sleep.
  • Make a healthy weight your aim and involve physical activities in the routine.

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Treatment of kidney diseases in Ayurveda

Despite the type and severity of the damage, Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment is for all. Ayurveda takes care of the patients in a customized manner. As every human lives with a unique set of causative factors and bodily properties, everything is taken into consideration before the provision of medicines. When the medicines are customized in such a way, the addressing of the disease becomes more accurate. Along with the medicines, Ayurveda appreciates the need for personalized lifestyle and eating habits for better results. Holistic treatment can be attained in this way. In addition, various Ayurvedic therapies help in the elimination of toxins from the body. Ayurveda helps in the stimulation of the instinctive repairing mechanism of the human body and rejuvenates the loss from the cellular level.

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