Healthy Ways to Reduce Creatinine Level Naturally

People with a high level of creatinine levels are at risk of developing or having developed kidney disease. Hence it becomes essential for them to know the natural ways to reduce these levels. The benefit of lowering creatinine naturally is that people do not have to consume allopathic medicines and intake chemicals.

Reduce Strenuous Exercises

Exercising can be beneficial to health, but when it comes to spiking creatinine levels, one has to be diligent with exercises. When a person exercises, the metabolism, which is the procedure of muscular breakdown, produces creatinine, and over-exercising can increase the levels of creatinine to a dangerous point.


Include Light Yoga and Pranayama

Yoga and Pranayama can prove efficacious for patients with kidney diseases. Yoga helps calm down the body, and Pranayama increases airflow and oxygen in the body. This can reduce serum creatinine naturally.


Avoid Supplements that Contain Creatinine

Creatinine is a compound that gets transformed from creatine when the muscle does not use creatine. Creatine is a compound the liver produces to provide muscles with energy. New creatine hence becomes creatinine, and increased levels of creatinine pose problems. Creatine compounds also come in the form of supplements that help people who need creatine, but it can be perilous for people with kidney diseases or those who have high levels of creatinine in their bloodstream.


Decrease the Consumption of Protein

Consuming much protein can lead to high creatinine levels. Especially foods like beans and red meat can cause a steep spike in the levels of creatinine. People who eat a lot of red meat, beans, and dairy product tend to have a higher amount of creatinine in their blood as compared to people who eat fewer amounts of these foods. A decrease in consumption of protein can be achieved by eating more vegetable-based dishes and green leafy vegetables. Food like vegetable salad, lentil soup, and cooked vegetables can help reduce the levels of creatinine.


Increase the Intake of Fiber

An increase in the consumption of fiber has been shown in a study to lower creatinine levels. People with chronic kidney disease have led to receiving this benefit in a study especially. Eating foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes help check the level of creatinine in bloodstream.


Monitor the Fluid Consumption

People with kidney diseases are at risk of developing dehydration. It is known that dehydration can cause a spike in creatinine levels. At the same time, high consumption of fluid can lead to problems with people having kidney diseases. It is essential to consult a good Ayurvedic doctor to solve the problem of fluid intake and also get guidance on Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine levels.

Seeking Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine is vital because the diagnosis of high creatinine levels can indicate a range of problems such as:-

  • Spike in creatinine levels can point to an issue with kidneys.
  • Increase in creatinine levels can also have resulted from the consumption of proteins and doing over-exercising.
  • Consuming supplements having creatinine can also cause an increase in levels in blood and urine.

An Ayurvedic doctor can detect the underlying causes of high creatinine levels in the blood and suggest Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine. Such treatment is necessary because if the reason is kidney disease, then it becomes critical to treat the condition. If the cause is any other than kidney disease, then high creatinine levels pose a threat of kidney disease; hence it becomes crucial to treat it.

Kidney failure can obstruct the filtration of creatinine out of the bloodstream, and this can become dangerous for a kidney patient. Glomerular filtration is the outflow of the fluid that gets filtered out of the kidney. Muscle destruction can also cause high creatinine levels and break down muscle tissues that get infiltrated in the bloodstream and impair the kidney.


Symptoms of High Creatinine Levels

High creatinine levels in the bloodstream can cause various symptoms ranging from mild to severe.

  • Reduction in the output of urine
  • Dark-colored Urine
  • Tiredness and exhaustion
  • Mild grade fever
  • Facial swelling and swelling in arms
  • Decrease in appetite
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of concentration


Effective Ayurvedic Creatinine Treatment in Ayurveda

The ayurvedic system works by healing the disease through measures that provide support to the patient. How Ayurveda rebuilds health of a person with high creatinine levels are:-

  • Boosting immunity power and strengthening physical health.
  • Treating the disorder from root.
  • Prescribing Ayurvedic medications made organically.

Decreasing creatinine levels through Ayurvedic medicine focuses on the repairing of damaged tissues in the kidney and reviving them. Herbs are given to help normalize the levels of serum creatinine and blood urea. After the balancing is done, damaged nephrons are rejuvenated to normalcy. The healing of damaged nephrons brings back the levels of blood urea and serum creatinine to the average level. Also with these minerals, such as sodium, potassium, and phosphorous, are balanced so that the patient with kidney disease does not get into danger with high creatinine levels, and the levels can be safely brought back to normal levels.

Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is maintained through various herbs. These herbs improve the filtration process in kidneys and help maintain creatinine at a healthy level. Karma Ayurveda provides optimum treatment for creatinine levels and heals naturally with the wisdom of Ayurveda that, in turn,allows people to lead healthy and happy lives.

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