5 Ayurvedic Remedies to Get Rid of Kidney Stones

Probably everyone experiences the pain brought about by stones once in a lifetime, and it's not something we are forecasting but a matter of fact. Stones are the tiny rock one may have in our body. Yes, and the only difference is that they get formed of calcium and other minerals deposits.

Stone may occur in any part, but kidney stones are most common. They can be found in the ureters and bladder while obstructing the parts of the urinary system. Kidney stones affect the flow of bodily toxins, which may otherwise go along with the urine.

A kidney stone can either be pea-sized or as huge as a grape size. Stone is made up of calcium oxalate along with some other compounds and yet crystalline. According to ayurvedic scholars, an imbalance of Vata leads to the drying of Kapha, which creates favorable circumstances for the stone to grow.

Ayurvedic medicine for protein in urine helps to pass the stone naturally without much of the pain. The herbs in the treatment possess anti-diuretic properties to impose forceful urination.

The formation of kidney stones can give you multiple complications, including weight loss, fever, nausea, blood in the urine, painful urination, etc.

What are the common causes of kidney stones?

There are multiple causes attached to the occurrence of kidney stones, and that may include working for long hours in sunlight leading to dehydration, excessive workout, consumption of alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee, etc. Oily and spicy food, sweets may also promote the development of urine stones. Suppressing the urge to pass stools can also cause stones in some scenarios.

How can you treat kidney stones?

With the help of Ayurveda, it is still easy to eliminate kidney stones without much pain. Many ayurvedic remedies are helpful, such as:

Lemon juice with olive oil: Lemon juice and edible oil are a perfect combination in eliminating stone during ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones. Lemon juice helps to break down the stone while olive oil acts as a natural lubricant to pass through the urinary system.

Sugarcane: Cardamom mixed with a little sugarcane juice should be taken on the empty stomach twice a day. You can add cumin seeds, sugarcane, and honey or mix fennel seeds, coriander, sugarcane and consume any of the combinations mentioned above for a healthy recovery.

Water and basil leaves: Water helps us to stay hydrated and promote urination. It is essential to stay hydrated when you have kidney stones. Water helps to dissolve nutrients, minerals, and improve digestion. To get maximum and frequent results, drink water infused with basil juice since basil is said to maintain fluid, mineral and uric acid balance in the body.

Watermelon juice: Watermelon juice is also suitable for patients having stones in the parts of the urinary system. It can also be consumed as a fruit (without seeds) to flush toxins and stone out naturally.

Coconut water: Coconut water is a healthy drink with many benefits. It can be taken for a better body function and to allow kidney stones to remove naturally. It is highly recommended to the patients during ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones for multiple benefits.

Dos and Don't s during kidney stones:

  • Consume water, but do not take liquor or bicarbonate drinks.
  • Eat on time, and cook food at home rather than eating out.
  • Urinate more and do not hold the urine.
  • Avoid tomatoes, brinjal, chikku, too many bananas, dairy products, poultry, etc.
  • Daily cleansing of the bowel is necessary.
  • Eat fruits with maximum water content.
  • Practice yoga, meditation, pranayam than exercising too much.

Following such measures and ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones will help you in so many ways. If you have any problem related to your kidneys and looking for a solution, you can meet our doctors at Karma Ayurveda. We are the pioneers of Ayurveda, helping patients since 1937.

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