What herbs are good for cleansing of the kidneys?

Kidneys are the two bean-shaped organ that has got their placement under the rib cage of the lower back of the human body. They are the significant organ that supports life by filtering the waste out of the blood and expelling them out in the form of urine. Kidneys can efficiently clean 200 quarts of blood and removes around two quarts of toxins and extra fluid daily if the process does not get halted due to any internal or external bodily factor. Moreover, kidneys are responsible for the production of three main hormones that are named as erythropoietin, renin, and calcitriol. The functions of these three hormones are:

  • Erythropoietin – Makes red blood cell after bone marrow’s stimulation
  • Renin – Helps in the regulation of blood pressure
  • Calcitriol – This is vitamin’s D active form that helps in the maintenance of calcium

When the kidneys are healthy they can perform their function of cleansing on their own. The cleansing of the kidneys is necessary to keep a check on the pressure of the blood, to enhance the bladder as well as urinary tract functioning, to encourage bodily immune, and to throw out toxins from the overall body of the humans. Kidneys have the self-rejuvenating and self-cleansing capacity however, both these capacities face major issues when the organ malfunctions. In such a condition, there can be a number of things that can be done to cleanse the organ. The method can be artificial or natural. The natural method of cleansing the kidneys involves the consumption and use of various food items, nutrients, and herbs. These natural methods of cleaning the kidneys can fill the human body with a number of benefits and prevent many kidney-related issues such as kidney infection, kidney stones, and sometimes kidney failure as well.

Herbs for kidney cleansing

Herbs are the boon to humankind in a number of ways. The medicines for any type of kidney ailment in Ayurveda are prepared out of the herbs that have a maximum number of qualities in them. These herbs of Ayurveda are filled with a number of therapeutic qualities and cleansing ability is one of them. The herbs with which kidney cleansing is possible to an eternal extent are goldenrod, juniper, dandelion tea, red clover, parsley, marshmallow roots, nettles, and ginger. These are some diuretics that help in the treatment of blood pressure, heart diseases, kidney diseases, and some liver diseases as well. These herbs are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in nature that has major benefits for the kidneys.

Caring for kidneys

Even though science does not back up the benefits of herbs for kidneys, the benefits have been apparently seen on the patients for more than 5000 years. These herbs help the kidneys in the improvisation of their waste removal ability. Moreover, it is very important to take care of the kidneys once the cleansing is done because there are chances that the negligence towards the organ might result in the modification of it. Mentioned below are some of the kidney care methods that have been suggested by many allopathic and Ayurvedic nephrologists, these are:

  • It is necessary to always keep a check on the body cholesterol.
  • Excess consumption of caffeinated drinks and alcohol should be avoided or monitored.
  • One should avoid smoking habits to keep the organ clean.
  • Drinking ample water and other significant fluid is necessary as it prevents dehydration and let the organ work actively.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight is prompt.
  • Keeping the blood sugar level and blood pressure normal helps kidneys in numerous ways.

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