How Can Kidney Patients Recover from CKD?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a dynamic malfunctioning in the workflow of the kidney over a time of months or years. One human kidney carries thousands of tiny nephrons and Glomerulus that ensures better functioning. As soon as both these tiny units stop working the kidneys get in the web of renal disorders. This can happen because of overload or just the overconsumption of painkillers and drugs. It can be a progressive disease if not taken care of at the beginning itself. However, if the disorder persists then the kidneys may lead from Chronic Kidney Failure to Acute Kidney Failure (sudden disability of kidneys). It can influence other organs of functioning and may lead to fatal results. One needs to understand that if he/she is having unexplained fever, chills, cough, cold and flu then all these can be the symptoms of CKD at the early stages.

What you should not avoid recovering from CKD?

Your body drives itself with the help of sense organs and reflexes. During any disease it gives our brains a few signs like nausea, fatigue, cough & cold, etc. but if these symptoms are persistent then it may have been declining the functioning capability of your kidneys. As discussed earlier these can be the signs of CKD at the early stages. So do not overlook these signs and get in the reach of a nephrologist to recover from CKD soon. Following are the additional points that you should not avoid at any cost or it can cost you your life:
  • Early chronic kidney disease has no signs or symptoms.
  • Chronic kidney disease usually does not go away.
  • Kidney disease can be treated. The earlier you know you have it, the better your chances of receiving effective treatment.
  • Blood and urine tests are used to check for kidney disease.
  • Kidney disease can progress to kidney failure.

Is CKD curable?

A matter of fact is that CKD is said to be a non-curable disease but the artificial treatment providers can put a halt in its progression. Maybe it is true in that field but Ayurveda for kidney diseases contradicts the fact, as it is the elixir of any disease and works on the root cause of the disorder. In a recent study conducted at the university in the United States, people who followed dietary changes and herbal treatment had swift recovery and better results than compared to the processing of other treatments.

How does Ayurveda work to speed up the recovery of a CKD patient?

We have researched the topic and found one Chronic Kidney Disease patient of Karma Ayurveda Hospital, Mrs. Preeti Chakraworty. She has been battling with a serious problem, CKD and was facing disappointments for the same at the doors of artificial procedures. Know her story that tells how a CKD patient can recover with Ayurvedic treatment only.

As per the reports of Mrs. Preeti Chakraworty; a patient who visited Karma Ayurveda, Delhi all the way from Orissa, India was suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease. She was undergoing allopathic treatment with dialysis.

She was diabetic that is considered to be one of the major causes of chronic kidney diseases. Her creatinine levels reached the heights of 8mg/dl though she was undergoing the allopathic treatment. But ever since she started taking Ayurvedic treatment for chronic kidney disease her need for dialysis vanished and now living her life disease-free.

As Mrs. Preeti Chakraworty told the kidney expert, Dr. Puneet Dhawan, that she had the symptoms like tiredness, fatigue, lost her appetite and had breathing difficulty.

There are other supporting symptoms that may vary in a patient, if you are a CKD patient then probably you have faced these symptoms too:
  • High blood pressure
  • Blood in urine
  • Puffy eyes
  • Lost hunger to eat anything
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Severe headaches
  • Gas and acidity problems
  • Kidney pain
  • Nausea
  • Dry and itchy skin
  • Vomiting
  • Frequent muscle cramps
  • Change of taste (metallic taste)
  • Breathing troubles

Bad breath

Ever since Mrs. Preeti started taking treatment from our team of specialists in India, she felt a speedy recovery. She can be seen saying that Ayurvedic treatment has changed the way she looked at Ayurvedic therapies. “It felt like a predisposition that she needed to live with lifelong.

So, with her case, we examined that by right patterns of life and eating habits can revolutionise the living and habitat of the human body. We examined that the following changes were enough to recover from the problem of CKD:

Changes in diet:
  • Consume fresh fruits and vegetables only.
  • Replace common salt with rock salt.
  • Consume seasonal fruits and vegetables only.
  • Do not drink packaged beverages as they are rich in chemically made preservatives.
  • Avoid foods that contain high amounts of potassium, phosphorus, and sodium.

Changes in lifestyle:
  • Get up early before the sunrise.
  • Excrete and take a bath.
  • Practice yoga asana.
  • Meditate for an hour.
  • Eat-in intervals and consume less than appetite.
  • Be optimistic

So, this was all about the topic ‘how a kidney patient can recover from CKD with an example of Mrs. Preeti of Karma Ayurveda. If you have doubts, suggestions, and questions then feel free to reach out to us in the comments or after this click.

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